sources gig information from the Facebook pages of Adelaide venues. Once a week any new gigs listed on the venue Facebook pages are downloaded and added to the website.
A list of the venues that supply the gig listings can be found here. If there is a venue that is not listed, please let us know so it can be included.
Day View
By default shows a list of the gigs happening TODAY. If you click on the date, a date picker appears which will allow you choose a different date:

Clicking on the < and > symbols to the left hand side of the date allow you to change the date forwards or backwards one day per click:

List View
To see a list of upcoming gigs, click on LIST at the top right hand side of the screen:

To see a list of upcoming gigs:
- Click on views icon
- Select the LIST option

The list will show 20 gigs at a time. At the bottom of the list there are Next and Previous links which allow you to page forwards and backwards through the list of gigs, 20 at a time.
Month View
Click on MONTH at the top right hand side of the screen:

This will show all the gigs for the current month in a calendar view:

Due to space restrictions the month view shows a maximum of 10 gigs per day. To see a list of all the gigs for a particular day, click on that date in the calendar:

To change the month, click on the date at the top left hand side of the screen. This will show a month picker – click on a month to select it:

When in month view, clicking on the < and > symbols to the left hand side of the date allow you to change the month forwards or backwards one month per click.
- Click on the views icon
- Click on the MONTH option

This shows a calendar view with purple dots indicating dates where there are gigs, and the currently selected date highlighted on purple:

Click on any date to select it, and a list of the gigs happening on that date will show under the calendar:

Clicking on a gig listing will show the full details for that gig.
To change the month, click on the date at the top left hand side of the screen. This will show a month picker – click on a month to select it:

Search by band or venue
There is a venue filter and a band search facility, which enables you to find gigs at a particular venue or gigs by a particular band – see the Examples of using the site section below for how to do this.
Examples of using the site
What gigs are on this Saturday?
- Click on the date at the top left hand side to open the date picker
- Click on the date for the upcoming Saturday
What gigs are coming up this month at a particular venue?
- Select the month view by clicking on Month at the top right side
- Click on SELECT A VENUE to open the venue filter panel:

- Click on the views icon
- Click on the MONTH option
- Click on SELECT A VENUE to open the venue filter panel:

Click on Select A Venue to open the drop down list of venues:

Tick the box next to a venue name to select it:

The list of gigs will automatically be filtered to show only those at the selected venue.
To remove the filter and show the full list of gigs, click on Remove Selection at the right hand side of the venue filter panel:

What gigs are coming up this month for a particular band?
- Select the month view by clicking on Month at the top right side
- Click in the Search for a Band field and type in the name of the band:

- Click on the Find Gigs button and the list of gigs will be filtered to show only those for the band name you typed in
- Click on the views icon
- Click on the MONTH option

- Click on the search icon
- Click in the SEARCH FOR A BAND field and type in the name of the band:

- Click on the FIND GIGS button and the list of gigs will be filtered to show only those for the band name you typed in
What gigs are coming up for a particular band at a particular venue?
- Select the list view by clicking on LIST at the top right hand side of the page
- Click in the Search for a Band field, type in the name of the band and then click on the FIND GIGS button:

This will bring up a list of upcoming gigs for the band that you are interested in
- Click on SELECT A VENUE at the top middle of the page to open the venue filter panel
- Click on Select A Venue (left had side of the venue filter panel) to open the drop down list of venues and tick the box next to the venue you are interested in
- This will filter the list of gigs to show only the ones by the searched for band at the selected venue
- Click on the views icon
- Select the LIST option
- Click on the search icon (magnifying glass)
- Click in the Search for a Band field, type in the name of the band and then click on the FIND GIGS button
This will bring up a list of upcoming gigs for the band that you are interested in.
- Click on SELECT A VENUE to open the venue filter panel
- Click on Select A Venue (left had side of the venue filter panel) to open the drop down list of venues and tick the box next to the venue you are interested in
- Click on Collapse to close the venue filter panel
This will filter the list of gigs to show only the ones by the searched for band at the selected venue.